A Simple to Set Up Writing Station

This is a really simple station to set up and you can add it to your writing or reading time.
All you need is the posters, the worksheet or even scrap paper, and either alphabet stamps, magnetic letters or alphabet tiles.  These are grouped into 2 containers vowels and consonants.

I change it around and mix it up tiles, stamps and magnetic letters.

First, introduce vowels and consonants, we have a song we sing, I have had it for so long I have no idea who it is by or even where it came from.  
I am sure you could find one on youtube

 Children choose their letters

I decided on 3 vowels and 6 consonants to make it easier but for older children you could drop the number of letters.
Write their words and start over.
They must sort their letters back into the correct containers after each turn. 
 I provide a help sheet on the container and a list on the poster.

You can add a timer if you like and introduce more rules but with little ones,
 it is easier just to keep it simple.

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