Show and Tell

Focusing the children's questions. 

I always operate a Show and Tell or a Class News time where a number of children usually 2 to 3 are able to share their news with the class.  This also operates as a component of my Oral Language Programme.  One of the problems I always had with this is that the audience all want to add their similar experiences at question time rather than ask a question about the news-givers experience.  Solution word cards, I printed off cards with the words -

 Who, What, Where, Why, When, Was and How.

After using I decided I needed to add was as I found the children always wanted to ask questions like Was it fun? Was it cold? etc. conversely you could add Did, Did you have Fun? These cards sit in the middle of the circle and the children quickly pick up the card that relates to the question they want to ask.  They must use this word in their question.  The extra bonus is the children learn to read these words pretty quickly at the start we all help those who are not sure which word to grab.  After a few months of using these, I find that we can dispense with the cards as the kids understand what a question is.

To save you time I have made some quick cards you can print off and laminate you can download them from my TPT store from the sidebar or find the link HERE but it is pretty easy to make your own.

Hope these are helpful.

Follow me for more freebies and ideas.

Thanks for the very cute clipart.

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