I grew up in Australia and I still remember having a big family sweep, we would go to my grandmother's house, all the aunties, uncles and cousins (there was a lot of us) and pull our horse's name from a hat.  (I am not sure how it worked and if all family members received a horse, but being a child I was of course, oblivious to all of this. 

 At school we would also always have a class sweep - imagine doing that today - anyway come Melbourne Cup race time, the teachers would wheel in the big old t.v. - well it wasn't old then and compared to nowadays it wasn't big at all but it was fat and heavy and on a tall stand with wheels.  We would all squish into a classroom and watch the big race.  I do remember winning the class sweep one year and if memory serves me right my horse was Gold and Black?

It was a such a special day not for the gambling but for the excitement and the rituals and the hats and getting together with my cousins and the anticipation of choosing your horse and of course, there would be cake.  

I still have a flutter on the big race every year and a glass of bubbles,  I choose the same numbers every year, because clearly I am no expert and I fear to not choose them now they would probably come up.

A Little about Phar Lap.

My dear old pop told me many moons ago that as Phar Lap raced during the Depression and was pretty much always a certain win he was adored by the people.  Maybe this is true I do not know, but I do know that parts of Phar Lap are on display all over the world 

His skeleton is on display in Wellington,  New Zealand at  Te Papa. 
His mounted hide is on display at the Melbourne Museum
and his heart at the National Museum of Australia in Canberra. 

His heart is said to be huge and hence why it is on display.

 I am not a gambler and I know gambling is a BIG problem but I just feel that The Melbourne Cup is a special day in Australia and maybe I am wrong but the odd flutter on a horse is ok?

Anyway, I made this little flip book to celebrate and to keep a part of our history alive and for our children to learn a little about the Melbourne Cup, because to me it is special.

Grab it here for free.

Thanks so much for stopping by


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