Winter Numbers 1 to 10.
Winter has really hit Auckland with a bang and it has started snowing down south Yeehaa! If its going to be cold at least bring snow I say. This week I did the old go to the wardrobe look inside and wonder what the heavens did I wear last winter because honestly I swear I have nothing decent to wear to school or anywhere for that matter.
Anyhow we are pretty full on in our new little class at the moment, numbers are slowly climbing which I like as I find it harder when there are only 4. One of our main focus areas in maths is numbers, lots and lots of number work so I created these very quick and easy worksheets to practise writing and counting the numbers 1 to 10. They are also a very quick evaluation for me to see who knows their numbers.
As I am in New Zealand I have done 2 different packs 1 with the spelling colour and one with color make sure you grab the right one.
You can grab them both for free from my TPT store click on the correct spelling of COLOUR or COLOR to go straight there.
Hope they are helpful, follow me for more freebies.
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