Name Plates - Freebie

Name Plates - A Freebie

We are quite well into the year down here just about to begin our end of Term 2 Winter holidays - 1 week to go and counting.  We are heading south for some skiing but very sadly at the moment there is very little snow if any.  Snow, snow, snow please. It's so beautiful in Wanaka so it will still be lovely lots of wine, good food, fires and more wine what more could one want? just a little bit of SNOW (lots actually)

Anyway as I know many of you out there are probably thinking about starting your new year of school I added some of my name plates to my Tpt store "Kindergarten Matters."

I like to hand write the children's first and surname as then I feel it is much easier for them to copy.  I then laminate them.

It is a completely free pack so go to my Tpt sidebar or click on the link and do please follow my blog or my store so you never miss a freebie. You can also visit my store HERE

Hope they are useful. 
Snow, snow, snow please!

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