Add some orange and black paper and simply print, paint and glue to make this little leprechaun.

A little tip for those not so capable scissor cutters get them to colour in the middle of the buckle black.  Use the black paper to make a strip to sit under the buckle just make sure the strips are not wider then the buckle.  I was torn between whether to tear the paper for the hair or cut strips, in the end I pre cut little orange strips.  The thought of lots of children tearing paper sounded slightly chaotic.

We read "How to Catch a Leprechaun."by Adam Wallace and added a simple quote for each leprechaun.

And thats it!

Oops and I nearly forgot Grab it HERE

And while you are there take a sneak peek at my new 
currently on sale @ 50% off for the first 48 hours. 


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