This winter's morning in the dark and bitterly cold we plus many other hopeful NZers dragged ourselves out of warm beds flicked on the fire, snuggled up on the lounge, made a nice warm cuppa

 (and yes I know some people had champagne on the ready far, far too early for moi) 

anywho we all anxiously watched what (we hoped) would be the last race in the 35th America's Cup.  

(NZ are 6-1 up - the first to 7 wins the whole damm thing)

If you follow the America's you may recall what happened to New Zealand the last time. 
 NZ leading 8-1, yep 7 in front, they only need 1 race to win - well that 1 race never came,
 it went 7-2, 7-3, 7-4 (you get the picture) 
we eventually lost to an amazing comeback by Team Oracle USA 9-8.  

I will never forget the day it was a school day and we had the coverage on in the school hall - it wasn't quite as early phew (it was San Francisco time) anyway I repeat we lost,
 that was it gone all over red rover. 

 Kids were in tears, teachers were in tears, parents were in tears, principals were in tears, dogs were in tears my goodness everyone was in tears, it was gut wrenching.

So this morning it happened we won and the America's Cup is heading back Downunder!  

Hopefully for me and my family and friends it will be in the City of Sails - Auckland - my home.

But wherever it is,  it will be HERE in New Zealand and just like last time we will all become 
sailing experts, we will talk tacking, jibing and foils, and maybe even throw in some of those 3 letter abreviation thingys 

and even though I am now and will be then in 4 years time even older we will all party - just a little.

So tonight I will have to have a wee little glass of bubbles to celebrate Team NZ.
Well done Team New Zealand!

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