I have always used different ideas for encouraging finger spaces for those little ones that have trouble grasping the idea of a finger space back in the day it was a drawing of a finger and then a doctors open and say "AHHH" stick for want of a better name.  But I love anything that works and anything more fun and exciting then just a finger and lets face it so do our kids. I spotted awhile back on pinterest some spacemen and I really would  love, love, love 

these cute as Spaceman from Really Good Stuff
the link is HERE

But as I live down under with shipping costs and all, it really just becomes way too expensive.
So I have created my own with the help of very cute clipart from Krista Wallden 
and a little bit of laminating 

Cute little spacemen all laminated 
and some sticks and a glue gun

VOILA a Spaceman

They really are too cute.

I don't like to start with these little guys I only bring them out  for those little ones who struggle with finger spaces.  Mind you out of the woodwork and out of nowhere certain people (who were doing pretty well with their finger spacing I might add) all of a sudden need a spaceman, this however is short lived.  Of course the big issue here is also more about learning what is a word and what is a letter and the more we read and write and practise our sight words etc. this whole concept comes together in the meantime it is just a fun little reminder. 

You can grab the Spacemen from my TPT store HERE

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