We don't celebrate Thanksgiving down here in the southern hemisphere but I love the concept the whole idea of having a day where you focus on being thankful and family and more holidays - they really never go astray.  With all that is happening in the world at the moment and because I am in the middle of writing reports  Ahhhh and eek and help...  why do they never get any easier?  Anyway I need some happiness or some wine or both even.

 A big focus of mine this year particularly, is being kind as I honestly seem to have the most extremely physical class I have ever had or should I just say 1 or  sometimes a 2nd wee angel that can't just keep their hands, or feet, elbows, fingers or anything for that matter  to themselves and I am seriously not joking it's all day everyday *#! pinched me, *#! tripped me, *#! kicked me, *#! swore and when *#! just happens to be away then it's !?* turn because heaven help us we couldn't possibly have a day where everyone is kind and gentle could we now and no never ever are they away on the same day. 
So I start everyday with hope and with a little chat about kindness and how I am looking for kind people and kind acts and they do really try hard even *#! and !?* and we are getting better and if we all stay positive and keep on focusing on those kind acts a great day can often nearly be had by all.  

This is a very quick little writing activity whether it be kindness to mum/mom, dad, brother, sister, friend or teacher lets celebrate kindness, no matter how big or small.

You can grab it here.

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