It has been a crazy week and it's only Tuesday!  Seriously why do we cram end
of year everything into like 7 days I mean are we completely mad??  Yep.
Now I know your all shaking your head like yes we are, I mean it's Christmas 
time isn't that enough?  

But no lets just add Reports, Sports Day, School Picnic, pack up your classroom
(& if your really unlucky lucky move year level & classroom), Staff Christmas 
Party, Leavers Dinner, Year 6 Concert  and thats just this week.... Shesh I feel 
tired just typing this.

So my gift to you ....

My Free Christmas Writing Prompts.  Grab it here 

Print it off, hand it out, put your feet up and get online shopping no seriously 
I really mean do all those last minute running records etc...  heres to dreaming.

 And More.

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