Help! we hadn't visited time this year and my days were numbered so I put together this quick little Christmas time activity "What's the Time Santa?" and it is all for free, grab it from my TPT store at the end of this post.

We do our calendar every day you can see mine HERE , or read about it on an earlier post, anyhow I am pretty certain hopeful my children all know the Days of the Week but this is a quick little evaluation to see who does, I understand reading can be an issue here so I am very happy to help in this department.

We then made a clock, which they loved and begged me to let them take home,  I was pretty impressed at how well they made these, just the hands need a little extra love and may I add that quite a few of my darlings thought it was hilarious that they are called hands and in the beginning were quite confused when I was talking about cutting out their hands!  I copied them onto card for strength and used split pins to add the hands. 

 I found the clock on the internet - link

We did lots of whole class What's the Time Santa? A bit like What's the time Mr Wolf? Where the children showed the time on their clock.  
ie. It's 7:00am its time to feed the reindeers.  Show me 7:00am.  And then they had turns of making up a Santa activity and the time whole class and partner.
It was great fun and all were trying so hard and of course if they weren't sure how to do a time, sneaking a peek at their friends clocks, which is great, love a bit of peer teaching.

I made some matching worksheets to finish it off.

Easier version.

Slightly harder.

I also made some cards with more of Santa's day activities.
Where the children can match times or order the day or even play snap etc. But the trick here is snap matching analogue with digital,
just a little bit TRICKIER.

I intend to make a big class shared book 
next week, (well as I say thats the plan but this time of the year anything can happen) Santa's Day or similiar where we write about Santa's daily activities and the children illustrate in pairs.

You can grab "What's the time Santa?" Here.

Do follow me for more ideas and freebies.

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