It's nearly Easter can you believe it, 2 more weeks of school for us down here Easter holidays and then we are hitting Term 2.  

Eeek Term 2!

The autumn term for us down here - unlike our teacher friends in the northern hemisphere - really has no particular special celebration so it really is kinda boring, actually really boring.  But as we do we will soldier on and make it all as all as fun as we possibly can.

Anyway enough of the doom and gloom of our impending autumn...

We now  head in to Easter - which I love, like really love - who doesn't theres family time, holidays, hot cross buns, Easter eggs and the Easter Bunny like honestly, what's not to love?

To celebrate I have made a little Easter Pack and it is all for free it features writing ideas, math sheets and an Easter basket.

Grab it for FREE form my store HERE

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