The quickest, funnest  most effective way to get your class to tidy without using your voice.
Yes it is possible and it is simple.  

Here it is ...

I have used this for years, and kids love it they rush around 
bopping and tidying with a smile on their face 
and hey thats got to be better then me yelling "tidy up time!"  

My favs are 2 different pieces William Tell Overture and Pharrell Williams "Happy" but you could use anything that works for you or that makes you happy.

Just don't choose anything too slow.

Make yourself a tidy up time playlist.

 Simply push play yep thats it.  Or better still have a child be the very official 

"Tidy Up Push Play Monitor"  

You honestly don't have to say or do a thing.

William Tell runs for  2 mins and 5 secs and "Happy" runs for 4 mins 6 secs

Simply keep them on your phone or on desktop of your laptop, too easy. 

 "William Tell Overture"  I use is courtesy of  The Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra - so my biggest thanks to them. 

And of course Big Thanks to Pharrell Williams he regularly puts a smile on my face.

I promise you will skip off to morning tea, lunch or whatever is next.

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